This is a demo of my textarea-size-up bookmarklet. The original source of the bookmarklet is shown below. If you press the 'evaluate' button, the javascript-code will be executed. Feel free to make modifications and try it just in place. The initial size of this textarea below is cols=50 row=5, after a click on the textarea (press evaluate first) will add five lines to the textarea.
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var old = document.onclick; var skip=true; document.onclick=function(e){ if(skip){ skip=false; return; } var ie = e==null; var ev = ie ? window.event : e; var msg = ie ? ev.srcElement.type :; var isTextArea = msg.indexOf('textarea')!=-1; document.onclick=old; if(isTextArea){ if(!ie){; } else { ev.srcElement.rows+=5; } } } activate bookmarklet